Source code for kalasiris.k_funcs

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Provides kalasiris *_k functions*.

The kalasiris *_k functions* provide some syntactic sugar to make
calling the ISIS programs just that much easier.  For example here
are two ways to do the same thing::

     import kalasiris as isis

     cube_file = 'some.cub'

     keyval = isis.getkey(cube_file, grpname='Instrument',

     k_keyval = isis.getkey_k(cube_file, 'Instrument', 'InstrumentId')

And the values of ``keyval`` and ``k_keyval`` are identical, its
just that the *_k function* version is a little more compact.
Each of the *_k functions* implements their modifications a
little differently, so make sure to read their documentation.

# Copyright 2019-2020, Ross A. Beyer (
# Reuse is permitted under the terms of the license.
# The AUTHORS file and the LICENSE file are at the
# top level of this library.

import tempfile
import os
from pathlib import Path

import kalasiris as isis

[docs] def getkey_k(cube: os.PathLike, group: str, key: str) -> str: """Simplified calling for getkey. No default parameters are needed, and it directly returns a string. """ return isis.getkey(cube, grpname=group, keyword=key).stdout.strip()
[docs] def hi2isis_k(*args, **kwargs): """Creates a default name for the to= cube. If the FROM file has the name ``foo.img``, then the output will be ``foo.cub``. """ if not any(k.startswith("t") for k in kwargs.keys()): from_path = Path() if len(args) > 0 and not str(args[0]).endswith("__"): from_path = Path(args[0]) else: for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k.startswith("f"): from_path = Path(v) break kwargs.setdefault("to", from_path.with_suffix(".cub")) return isis.hi2isis(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def hist_k(*args, **kwargs) -> str: """Returns the contents of the file created by ISIS hist as a string. If there is a TO= parameter in the arguments, ``hist_k()`` will create the file, and return its contents as a string """ to_pathlike = None for k, v in kwargs.items(): if "to" == k or "to_" == k: to_pathlike = v f = None if not to_pathlike: f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+") kwargs["to"] = isis.hist(*args, **kwargs) if not f: f = open(to_pathlike, "r") contents = f.close() return contents
[docs] def cubeit_k(fromlist: list, **kwargs): """Takes a list of paths to cubes to operate cubeit on, rather than having the user create a text list. """ with isis.fromlist.temp(fromlist) as f: kwargs["fromlist"] = f cp = isis.cubeit(**kwargs) return cp
[docs] def stats_k(*args, **kwargs) -> dict: """Returns the result of running ISIS stats as a Python Dictionary. If there are TO=, FORMAT=, or APPEND= parameters, ``stats_k`` will perform the file-based activities that ``stats`` normally would, and also return the Python Dictionary. """ # We could use the pvl library to parse the returned text, but # that would involve a dependency, and since the format is so # simple, we'll just parse it directly here. stats_text = isis.stats(*args, **kwargs).stdout d = dict() for line in filter(lambda x: "=" in x, stats_text.splitlines()): (k, equals, v) = line.partition("=") if "Group" in k: continue d[k.strip()] = v.strip() return d